Stefan Aegerter

President elect of the Association of the European Police College AEPC

Director of the Swiss Police Institute SPI

At the 2024 Governing Board Meeting in Tbilisi (Georgia), Stefan Aegerter, Director of the Swiss Police Institute, was elected by the General Assembly as President for the 2024 – 2028 legislative period.

Stefan Aegerter was quoted as saying on his election: ‘I take up this role with respect, humility and gratitude.’

« As AEPC, we are the unique network in Europe, uniting 59 police academies, police universities and police colleges from 45 member countries. We promote the exchange between science, practice and research in the areas of strategic police management and police leadership innovation.

We ensure that knowledge, experiences and best practices are continuously shared. We drive the harmonisation of police training and ensure that the highest standards are applied in all member countries.

I call on our partner institutions CEPOL, MEPA, EUROPOL and INTERPOL to join forces and to intensify their joint efforts to find a coordinated and effective response to the growing challenges of policing in today’s world.

I would like to thank Dr Norbert Leitner, Director of the Sicherheitsakademie in Vienna (Austria), for his judicious leadership of the AEPC over the past eight years. »

Stefan Aegerter (48), studied military science at the ETH Zurich military academy and holds a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Bern.

He has been at the Swiss Police Institute since 2016, and became director on 1.1.2021. As part of this role, Stefan Aegerter is an Executive Board member of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Police Chiefs. He represents Switzerland at the Steering Committee of the Central European Police Academy (CEPA) as well as at CEPOL. He is a member of the International Advisory Board at the Institute for Criminology at the University of Cambridge.

In 2020, Stefan Aegerter was the project leader of the General Training Curriculum for the Swiss National Police. He takes part in the management of various CAS (certificate of advanced studies) and DAS (diploma of advanced studies) programmes in police management and police operations at Swiss technical colleges and universities.

Stefan Aegerter is the President of the national “Police Officer with Federal Diploma/Higher Federal Diploma” exams board.

As a Colonel in the Swiss Army, he serves in the Swiss Government Staff.